Monday, July 14, 2008


When I was asked if I would like to participate in this course, I was very enthusiastic. It was a really good way to become involved with the new generation of the Internet. Otherwise, it may have passed me by. I did find this way of learning a little daunting. I belong to the era of chalk, blackboards and a teacher out the front of the classroom. I was glad of the break between Weeks 7 and 8. At least I didn't feel guilty for not doing a Weekly Task. The programme did, unfortunately, come at a very bad time for me. My section of the State Library of Tasmania is currently ungoing a very significant change so I have been very much involved with meetings and training sessions for this. I therefore, have not really had very much time to devote to Learning 2.0 so I may have gained just enough information to be dangerous, and not enough to be useful. Once life gets back to normal at work, I will revisit some of the tasks with the hope that I may be able to really come up to speed with them and look towards ways in which they can become part of my professional work.
I'm about to leave on 6 weeks' holiday and I know I should have created a blog to record my travels.
I would like to thank Lynette and Lesley for their support over the course of the programme.
Plain Sailing

Second Life

Tuesday 15 July 2008
Unfortunately, I have not had enough time to have a good look at this activity of the programme. As a learning tool, I guess it would be a rather fascinating way to learn and also good for distance education.
Plain Sailing

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Library 2.0

Wednesday 9 July 2008
I guess libraries should embrace new technologies such as Library 2.0 for fear of losing potential clients. However, decisions will have to be made as to which technologies will be adopted and also there will be the need to have the staff resources to constantly monitor and update these technologies.
Plain Sailing

Social Bookmarking

Wednesday 9 July 2008
I admit I struggled with and will need to revisit this activity sometime in the future. I can see benefits in creating Bookmarks of favourite websites and I guess it's good to share my interests with others and vice versa. But are we we moving towards a society where we are letting the Internet rule our lives? Do I really want cyber friends or real friends?
Plain Sailing

Ebooks and Audiobooks

Wednesday 9 July 2008
I enjoyed this week's exercise. I can see Ebooks and Audiobooks would be an essential resource for all libraries. It's great to be able to have access to books which may be out of print. I discovered a really lovely Beatrix Potter site gave the original text and illustations to one of her books. However, when I tried to find it again, I could not remember the website I used!!!I also enjoyed looking up various music scores on the IMSLP site.
Plain Sailing

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Videos and Podcasts

Thursday 3 July
A good week this week. My son and his wife had a baby daughter. Oh! back to Podcasts and Videos. I added the National Archives podcasts to my bloglines account: I think this is an area where libraries, especially Heritage type libraries, can produce some really useful information for people to download as well as capturing stories from clients.
I wasn't really a fan of Youtube until I looked up videos about Hobart. Yes, I could see potential for libraries to use Youtube in a variety of ways, e.g. a virtual tour of the library building or as an instructional tool for clients.

Plain Sailing

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Monday 23 June 2008

Here is an attempt at a Rollyo:
I am sure Rollyos have many advantages but, for me, I'll keep my regularly visited websites in my Favourites. But it also good to see other ways to do things.

Plain Sailing